Comparison of Internal and Marginal Adaptation of Posterior Zirconia Fixed Partial Dentures Performed by Conventional Versus Digital Impression
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The aim of this study was to compare internal and marginal adaptation of posterior zirconia fixed partial dentures (FPDs) performed by conventional and digital impression techniques. A cobalt-chromium model (Co-Cr model) with abutments 14 and 16, and edentulous area at 15 was prepared. Two groups of the three-unit zirconia FPDs (n=5) were fabricated by two different impression techniques. In Group 1: Conventional impression technique, the Co-Cr model was conventionally duplicated by the putty-wash technique, using polyvinyl siloxane dual-viscosity impression materials. Gypsum models were then fabricated and scanned with a laboratory scanner. In Group 2: Digital impression technique, the Co-Cr model was digitally scanned by an intraoral scanner. All FPDs of both groups were then designed and fabricated on the digital models. Marginal and internal gap widths of each abutment were investigated using micro-computer tomography. Mean marginal gap widths were not significantly different between two groups (P > 0.05). However, in terms of internal gap widths, significant difference between both groups was found. The internal gap width at occlusal surface of abutment 14 (Group2) showed the highest value (154.54±9.39 µm).
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