Sense of Coherence and Oral Health-Related Quality of Life among Thai Elderly

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Namfon Sroiwongsa
Subin Puasiri
Rajda Chaichit


Thailand is becoming an ageing society. In preparing for health problems in the elderly, emphasis is placed on disease prevention and holistic health promotion involving physical, mental, spiritual, social, and quality of life in various fields. This study aimed to explore the association between Sense of Coherence (SOC) and the impact of oral health problem on daily life (Oral health-related quality of Life: OHRQoL). The population of the study was 350 elderlies in Chaiwan District, Udon Thani Province. Data were collected by interview and oral health examination. Among them 44% were men and 56% were women, mean age 68.6 + 5.9 years, mean SOC score 66.8 + 9.1 mean ODIP score 5.3 + 8.6. The results of this study showed that the impacts on OHRQoL were associated with a low SOC. The result from this study can be used as a guideline in health and oral health promotion.

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Sroiwongsa N, Puasiri S, Chaichit R. Sense of Coherence and Oral Health-Related Quality of Life among Thai Elderly . Khon Kaen Dent J [internet]. 2022 Mar. 16 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];25(1):23-32. available from:
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