Periodontitis progression and prognostic factors in questionable teeth during supportive periodontal therapy

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Ratchatawan Siriphan
Kanoknadda Tavedhikul
Attawood Lertpimonchai


This retrospective study aimed to determine the incidence rate of periodontitis progression in questionable teeth of chronic periodontitis patients, and to identify the relevant prognostic factors during supportive periodontal therapy. Continued chronic periodontitis patients in supportive periodontal therapy program in the post-graduate clinic, Department of Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University, within year 2013-2014 were collected.  Patients who had at least one questionable tooth during the maintenance phase were included.  Treatment records were comprehensively reviewed and collected.  Based on the tooth-level analysis, the Kaplan-Meier curves of having additional loss of clinical attachment level ³ 3 mm was estimated.  Prognostic factors including age, gender, smoking habits, diabetes mellitus, parafunctional habits, posterior tooth support, oral hygiene level, full-mouth bleeding score, tooth type, residual periodontal pocket depth, clinical attachment level, furcation involvement, bone level, and tooth mobility were assessed by the Cox proportional hazards regression model.  Of all the 358 treated questionable teeth from 123 patients, 178 (49.7%) teeth demonstrated disease progression during supportive periodontal therapy.  The incidence rate of disease progression among questionable teeth was 14.5 teeth per 100 teeth-years.  The median progression-free survival time was 4.93 years.  The prognostic factors that significantly increased the risk of progression were 1)³ 30% full-mouth bleeding score and 2)³ 7 mm residual periodontal pocket depth with adjusted hazards ratio of 2.45 (95%CI: 1.60, 3.75) and 1.87 (95%CI: 1.14, 3.07), respectively.  In conclusion, almost half of treated questionable teeth had periodontal progression.  Strictly monitoring and maintenance recall should be emphasized in periodontitis patients with deep residual periodontal pocket depth and persisting gingival inflammation.

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Siriphan R, Tavedhikul K, Lertpimonchai A. Periodontitis progression and prognostic factors in questionable teeth during supportive periodontal therapy. Khon Kaen Dent J [internet]. 2021 Dec. 9 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];24(3):27-3. available from:
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