Effects of Khon Kaen University Presurgical Nasoalveolar Molding Device on Maxillary Dimension in Complete Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate Patients: A Full Protocol Evaluation

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Varisanan Prasongvaranon
Poonsak Pisek
Amornrut Manosudprasit
Pattama Panyavong
Aggasit Manosudprasit


A prior study reported on maxillary dentoalveolar changes post-application of the full Khon Kaen University Pre-surgical Nasoalveolar Molding device (KKU-PNAM) in complete unilateral cleft lip and palate patients. However, since the KKU-PNAM consists of three separate components, the individual effect of each part is still unclear. The purpose of this study is to determine maxillary dimensional changes after using KKU-PNAM at three time points. The researcher investigated 24 maxillary ridge casts taken from infants with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate were investigated after treatment with the KKU-PNAM at initial treatment (T1), two weeks (T2) and before cheiloplasty (T3). Landmark identification and direct measurements including alveolar cleft width, anterior arch width, mid-palatal cleft width, posterior arch width, anterior arch depth, total arch depth, arch circumference and midline deviation were solely performed by one experienced investigator. Intra-examiner reliability was verified via intraclass correlation (ICC). All measurements were normally distributed, with data analyzed via repeated measure ANOVA. The results showed that the average pre-treatment and post-treatment ages were 16.33±17.36 and 123.21±32.76 days respectively, with mean total treatment time at 105.29±33.98 days. Alveolar cleft width and midline deviation significantly reduced over time from T1 to T3 (p<0.01). Furthermore, arch circumference gradually increased among T1, T2 and T3 (p<0.05). There was no significant difference in anterior arch width, mid-palatal cleft width, posterior arch width, anterior arch depth and total arch depth at T2 and T3 (p>0.05). In conclusion, the severity of alveolar cleft was reduced significantly after the KKU-PNAM was applied at the first two weeks, as the labial taping’s effect further decreased severity by addition of the contraction-screw plate until the point of primary lip surgery, thus improving the position of the maxillary alveolar ridge which brought out better outcomes prior to lip surgical correction.

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How to Cite
Prasongvaranon V, Pisek P, Manosudprasit A, Panyavong P, Manosudprasit A. Effects of Khon Kaen University Presurgical Nasoalveolar Molding Device on Maxillary Dimension in Complete Unilateral Cleft Lip and Palate Patients: A Full Protocol Evaluation. Khon Kaen Dent J [internet]. 2020 Apr. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];23(1):43-51. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/KDJ/article/view/217822
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