Fracture Resistance of Endodontically Treated Mandibular Incisor Teeth Restored with Cast Post Versus Fiber Post

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Danai Yodsuwan
Anawat Satitdethkunchorn
Poosit Thongsmak


The study compared of fracture resistance of endodontically treated mandibular incisor teeth restored with cast post versus fiber post by performing endodontic treatment in 20 mandibular incisors, then reduced crowns until 2 millimeter above cervical portion of crowns was achieved. The teeth were embeded in resin acrylic in the tubes. The sample were divided into two groups of 10 each. First group was restored with all ceramic crown with cast post and core and the second group was restored with all ceramic crown with fiber post and composite core. All specimens were thermocycled and the fracture resistance was tested by using a universal testing machine in which the load applied to labio-incisal edge at 30-degree until failure occurred and the mode of failure was investigated. Results showed that the median of fracture resistance of endodontically treated mandibular incisor teeth restored with cast post and core and fiber post were 360.45 newton and 298.25 newton respectively, which were not different significantly (p=0.112). In both groups, only fracture of all ceramie crowns was observed

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Yodsuwan D, Satitdethkunchorn A, Thongsmak P. Fracture Resistance of Endodontically Treated Mandibular Incisor Teeth Restored with Cast Post Versus Fiber Post. Khon Kaen Dent J [internet]. 2018 Dec. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];21(2):120-7. available from:
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