The Precision Between Implant Fixture and Titanium Base Abutment Connection and Cement Gap between Titanium Base Abutment and Zirconia Crown

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Daraporn Sae-Lee
Pitpern Chanatepaporn
Subin Puasiri
Cholaporn Raunglertpanyakul


The purposes of this study were to verify the precision between implant fixture and internal abutment connection and to compare the cement gap between commercial titanium base abutment (Osstem TS link abutment, Osstemo, Korea) and customized titanium base abutment produced by third party (Zirkonzahn parallel cemented titanium base HEX, Zirkonzahn, Italy). The implant-abutment connection gap between titanium base abutment and fixture analog, and cement gap between titanium base abutment and zirconia crown were recorded with light body silicone. The thickness of the gap, obtained by imprinted silicone, was
stabilized and cross-sectionally cut and then measured in 4 different levels, i.e., (1) at a middle level of internal connection gap, (2) at a middle level of upper part of abutment surface, (3) at a middle level of lower part of abutment surface in which antirotations were presented, and (4) at antirotations gap, by using polarized microscope. All measurement points were re-evaluated 3 times and the mean value was calculated by independent T-test. The statistical analysis revealed that, for the connection gap, the mean gap value of customized titanium base abutment (88.48 + 6.64 micrometers) was significantly lower than that of the commercial titanium base abutment (124.67 + 16.26 micrometers) (P<0.05), while, for the cement gap at the antirotation points, the mean cement gap value of customized titanium base abutment (76.19 + 21.23 micrometers) was significantly higher than the commercial titanium base abutment (24.83 + 12.96 micrometers) (P<0.05). It can be concluded that the customized titanium base abutment
could be used as an alternative option as it can provide a comparable connection with the commercial one.

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How to Cite
Sae-Lee D, Chanatepaporn P, Puasiri S, Raunglertpanyakul C. The Precision Between Implant Fixture and Titanium Base Abutment Connection and Cement Gap between Titanium Base Abutment and Zirconia Crown. Khon Kaen Dent J [internet]. 2018 Dec. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];21(2):83-9. available from:
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