A Comparative Study of Factors Affecting Cyclic Fatigue Resistance Between Tapering and Metallurgic Improvement of NiTi Rotary Files

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Panupong Jiradechochai
Chantida Pawaputanon Na Mahasarakham
Kunwara Thariya
Kamonporn Wangkuenklang
Pichayanan Chantarayotha
Soranan Jaroonsakchai


The purpose of this study was to evaluate factors affecting cycling fatigue resistance by comparing between different tapers and metallurgic improvement of NiTi rotary files. Total numbers of 90 files; no.25, 30, 35 of K3 files (0.02, 0.04 fixed taper), and no.25, 30, 35 of K3XF files (0.04 fixed taper), were divided into 9 groups of 10 files each. Samples were rotated in an artificial canal until fractured, and the number of cycles to failure were subsequently recorded. The surfaces of fractured instruments were analyzed by using scanning electron microscope at 200 magnification to determine the surface characteristics. The results showed that, among files with the same size, tapering of the files had more effects on the numbers of cycle to failure than metallurgic improvement did. SEM analysis revealed that the fractured surfaces of all instruments was due to cyclic fatigue. In conclusion, tapering of the files has more effects on cyclic fatigue resistance than metallurgic improvement by R-phase heat treatment of NiTi rotary files with identical geometric characteristics.

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How to Cite
Jiradechochai P, Pawaputanon Na Mahasarakham C, Thariya K, Wangkuenklang K, Chantarayotha P, Jaroonsakchai S. A Comparative Study of Factors Affecting Cyclic Fatigue Resistance Between Tapering and Metallurgic Improvement of NiTi Rotary Files. Khon Kaen Dent J [internet]. 2017 Dec. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];20(2):63-72. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/KDJ/article/view/126348
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