Development of a system for preventing normal postpartum hemorrhage. ThaChang Hospital Surat Thani Province

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wannaphon innimit



Postpartum hemorrhage refers to the loss of blood from the vagina of 500 ml or more after the birth of the baby. It is a leading cause of maternal death and morbidity worldwide. The objective of this research and development is to evaluate the results of the care system for preventing postpartum haemorrhage in women who have had normal births. Tha Chang Hospital

The sample group consisted of 2 groups: Group 1 were 6 professional nurses working in maternity care. Group 2 was pregnant women who came to receive the service. Purposeful selection of both groups was carried out. and carried out the study as follows: Situation analysis Development and evaluation of the development of a system for the prevention of normal postpartum haemorrhage. Tha Chang Hospital A practical tool for preventing postpartum hemorrhage in women with normal births. Assessment of the use of nursing guidelines to prevent postpartum hemorrhage in Tha Chang Hospital. Assessment of nurses' satisfaction with guidelines for preventing postpartum hemorrhage which has been checked for content validity by experts. Data were collected by observation, supervision, and review of medical records between 1 November 2023 - 31 January 2024. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics including number, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

The results of the research found that overall satisfaction with the use of guidelines for preventing postpartum hemorrhage was at the highest level ( = 2.9). When considering each item, it was found that the group was satisfied with the benefits to service providers in Nursing practice is at a high level ( = 2.6 ). Birth outcomes from the use of guidelines to prevent postpartum hemorrhage by nurses in the delivery room. Tha Chang Hospital from 1 November 2023 - 31 January 2023 found that there were 50 pregnant women who came for delivery services, with 98 percent of all giving birth vaginally. Blood loss was < 500 milliliters. Most of the women who gave birth did not. Severe complications occurred that required him to be sent for further treatment to Surat Thani Hospital.


Keyword: Development of a system , Postpartum hemorrhage

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How to Cite
innimit wannaphon. Development of a system for preventing normal postpartum hemorrhage. ThaChang Hospital Surat Thani Province. Kb. Med. J. [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 28 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];7(1):69-80. Available from:
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