Nursing care of a premature newborn who is jaundiced with hemolysis and has yellow substance stuck to the brain tissue together with acute respiratory failure: a case study
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A case study of two premature newborns with jaundice. The objective is to provide guidelines for nursing care of premature newborns with jaundice who have hemolysis and yellow substance clinging to the brain tissue together with acute respiratory failure He was treated with phototherapy and blood transfusions. Pediatric department Krabi Hospital Between February 2022 - September 2022 collect data with information from patient medical records, observations, and interviews with mothers Analyze data by comparison The study found that the 2 patients were different in their characteristics and causes. Pathology of the disease Doctors' treatment approaches and nursing practices are therefore specific to the patient's condition. Guidelines for nursing of jaundiced infants receiving phototherapy and blood transfusions have been implemented. which requires nursing skills in preparation Complications from blood transfusions and from positive pressure ventilation are monitored. Symptoms are closely monitored and comprehensive nursing care provided. To ensure that premature babies survive safely without complications in both cases.
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