Self – Care Behavior of Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Ban Khlong Khanan Tambon Health Promotion Hospital.

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rattanawadee tanuphol


The Objective of this cross – section Research were to self – care behavior of Diabetes Mellituspatients in Ban Khlong Khanan Tambon Health Promotion Hospital.The sample consisted of 105 uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus patients ; having HbA1C value more than 6.5 mg%, Be between 50 -69 years old, live In moo 1-5 Ban Khlong Khanan Sub-district which is obtained from the calculation of the sample group size of Krejci and Morgan.(5) Tools used in the research implementation were: a

questionnaire about opinions self – care behavior of uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus patients. Data

were collected using self – care questionaires of uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus patients. Reliability of

the tools was tested using  Cronbach’s alpha coefficient yielding values of .91, respectively. Data were

analyzed using descriptive, frequency statistics, percentage, mean and standard deviation.

            The results of this study revealed as follows.The self – care behavior of uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus patients. In all aspects when analysing income, it was found that self – care behavior were Follow-up and prevention of complications is at a high level. The self – care behavior moderate level were : Eating, Exercise, Emotional and stress management. There is a herbal medicine to treat Diabetes Mellitus, smoking and drinking alcohol were low level. When considering each item, it was found that The highest level of behavior is going to see the doctor according to every appointment ( gif.latex?\bar{x}=3.96,SD =2.997), Second is when there are abnormal symptoms. go see a doctor immediately, even if it's not the day of your appointment. And see a doctor to follow up on symptoms and take care of yourself according to the doctor's advice regularly ( gif.latex?\bar{x}=3.65, SD = .554). The behavior at the lowest level is smoking ( gif.latex?\bar{x}=0.857 SD = .395), followed by taking medicine immediately when you remember you forgot to take medicine

(gif.latex?\bar{x} =0.9 SD = .343).

               Therefore ; changing the self - care behavior of uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus patients it necessary to develop the self – care behavior of taking medicine, smoke and alcohol drinking. In another to develop of knowledge, follow – up behavior of eating, exercising, emotional and reduces stress for patients can controlled Diabetes Mellitus. In addition, changing your self-care behavior will be effective. Staff in the subdistrict health promotion hospital must set a format. or guidelines for continuously monitoring and evaluating performance so that diabetic patients can control their blood sugar levels.

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นางรัตนาวดี ทนุผล. Self – Care Behavior of Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Ban Khlong Khanan Tambon Health Promotion Hospital. Kb. Med. J. [internet]. 2023 Dec. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 21];6(2):41-55. available from:
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