The Comparative of Expectation of Patient towards Nursing Care in Minor Operating Room at Sadao Hospital in Songkhla Province

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Anchana Oranthares
Kittiporn Nawsuwan
Noppcha Singweratham


 This descriptive research aimed to compare between expected nursing care and actual nursing care as perceived by clients in minor operating room, Sadao hospital. Sample were 100 recruited using simple random sampling. Instruments were questionnaires of expected nursing care and actual nursing care which were validated for content validity by a panel of 3 nursing experts. Item-objective congruence (IOC) index ranged from .67 to 1.00 and Cronbach alpha coefficient were .842 and .937 respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and dependent t-test. Research result revealed as follows;

          Expected nursing care and actual nursing care as perceived by clients in minor operating room, Sadao hospital in each item, each aspect and overall were significantly different (p=.05). Only 5 items were not different namely 1) illness history taking such as drug allergies, underlying diseases, past surgeries, 2) fall prevention such as restrain, 3) sufficient light in operating room, 4) proper wound dressing, 5) surgery document distribution.

          From findings, all clients undergoing both minor and general surgery should be prepared for reducing anxiety of clients and family members as well as implementing procedures consistent with routine surgery. 

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How to Cite
Oranthares A, Nawsuwan K, Singweratham N. The Comparative of Expectation of Patient towards Nursing Care in Minor Operating Room at Sadao Hospital in Songkhla Province. Kb. Med. J. [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 6 [cited 2024 Oct. 6];6(2):29-3. Available from:
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