The Effects of Health Promotion Programs For Elderly with Uncontrolled Hypertension

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่jirawan prakeetavatin


This Quasi-Experimental Research was conducted to evaluate the effects of a health Promotion Program for elderly with uncontrolled Hypertension. The sample groups for the study consisted of 60 elderly with hypertension aged 60-79 years old, 30 were randomly assigned to the experimental group and 30 to the comparison group. Data were collected through questionnaire before and after the experiment. Statistical analysis was done with percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, Paired Sample t-test and Independent t-test.

The results showed that the mean score of perceived self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and self-care behaviors of the experimental group after the experiment were significantly higher than before the experiment and comparison group at .05 level (p<.001). The average systolic and diastolic blood pressure of the experimental group after the experiment were significantly lower than before the experiment and comparison group at .05 level (p<.001).

The findings suggest that the health promotion program from this research is practical for application as a guideline for arranging the health promotion activities for the elderly who have similar conditions. The relevant health personnel should also continually conduct follow-up and health condition assessments.   

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How to Cite
prakeetavatin ่. The Effects of Health Promotion Programs For Elderly with Uncontrolled Hypertension. Kb. Med. J. [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 1 [cited 2024 Sep. 11];6(2):15-28. Available from:
Original Article
Author Biography

่jirawan prakeetavatin, Ban Khao Lom Health Promoting Hospital



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