Do the Benefits of Systemic Corticosteroids Outweigh Adverse Effects

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Suppamas Punchuey


Systemic corticosteroids had been widely used in treatments to control inflammatory and autoimmune disease, but these agents are also associated with serious risks. Osteoporosis, adrenal suppression, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia led to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cataract, Cushing’s syndrome, psychiatric disturbances, impaired wound healing, skin atrophy, muscle atrophy, water/electrolyte imbalance and immunosuppression are among the serious adverse effects of systemic corticosteroids therapy, when use at high dose for prolonged periods.

This article reviews those adverse effects and provides practical recommendations for their prevention and management in prolong used systemic corticosteroids patients.1-4

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How to Cite
Punchuey S. Do the Benefits of Systemic Corticosteroids Outweigh Adverse Effects. Kb. Med. J. [Internet]. 2023 Jan. 10 [cited 2024 Oct. 8];5(2):71-9. Available from:
Review Article


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