Ossifying Fibroma in Maxilla

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Ekkarat Khanngern


Ossifying Fibroma are relatively rare. This benign neoplasm composed of fibrous tissue with variant mixture of bony trabeculae and cementum-like material. In the past, investigators have suggested that the origin is odontogenic or periodontal ligament. However ,microscopically identical neoplasms with cementum-like material also have been reported in the orbital, frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid, and temporal bones. In this case report, the 50-years-old woman visited the dentist with painless, swelling at left Maxilla for 8 months. Examination showed Swelling at left cheek, gingival swelling in area teeth 24 – 27, not tender with hard in consistency. Panoramic film and computed tomography showed mixed well-defined radiopaque and radiolucency at left maxillary sinus with buccolingual bony expansion, destruction of anterior maxillary sinus wall. Incisional biopsy was done under local anesthesia. Patients was total excision under general anesthesia. 1 year follow up was not seen recurrence.

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How to Cite
Khanngern E. Ossifying Fibroma in Maxilla. Kb. Med. J. [internet]. 2022 Jul. 8 [cited 2025 Jan. 21];5(1):41-50. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/KBJ/article/view/257455
Case Report


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