Factors Associated with Job Performance among Head of Work Group of Community Hospitals in Krabi Province

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Sornjak Preecha


The research factors associated with job performance among head of work group of community hospital in Krabi Province was the descriptive research. The aims of this research were to study 1) management process, 2) job performance and 3) factors associated with job performance among head of work group of community hospital in Krabi Province. Collected data by using questionnaires. 92 population from head of work group of community hospital in Krabi Province. Collected information by questionnaire. Data analysis used frequency, percentage, maximum, minimum and standard deviation. Correlation with pearson’s correlation coefficient.

The results found that management process of head of work group of community hospital in Krabi Province had total performance in the more (µ = 3.74, σ = 0.901) average max was organizational manage have performance level in the more (µ = 3.99, σ = 0.929), inferior was administration, performance level in the more (µ = 3.81, σ = 0.774), lowest average was controlling, performance in the more (µ = 3.58, σ = 0.901). Job performance of head of work group of community hospital in Krabi Province total performance level in the more (µ = 3.82, σ = 0.900) average max was performance, performance level in the more (µ = 3.90, σ = 0.902), inferior was operational efficiency, performance level in the more(µ = 3.87, σ = 0.932), lowest average was organization development, performance level in the more (µ = 3.71, σ = 0.890), Personal factors about age, Length of work of head of work group of community hospital and management process have a relationship with job performance of head of work group of community hospital in Krabi Province statistically significant, p-value = 0.003*, 0.001* and 0.012* respectively.


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How to Cite
Preecha S. Factors Associated with Job Performance among Head of Work Group of Community Hospitals in Krabi Province. Kb. Med. J. [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 8 [cited 2024 Dec. 28];5(1):1-11. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/KBJ/article/view/257435
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