Clue on the skin in Acute meningococcemia

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Pornpirun Leeyangyuen
Thattapa Unteng


A 49-year-old woman presented with diffuse retiform purpura for two days. Skin examination showed an irregular purpuric plaques and central necrosis which is characteristic feature of purpura fulminans. Purpura fulminans is defined as a cutaneous marker of disseminated intravascular coagulation. She also had a fever with worsening myalgia and then became to septic shock rapidly. In this patient, the purpuric lesions can lead to the diagnosis of acute meningococcemia that is confirmed by the bacteriologic isolation of Neisseria meningitidis from blood cultures. Although the patient had no meningitis, here we reported the presenting of purpura fulminans which is the clue to diagnosis in this case. It is vital to detect characteristic skin lesions of acute meningococcemia for early administration of appropriate antibiotics to reduce mortality.

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How to Cite
Leeyangyuen P, Unteng T. Clue on the skin in Acute meningococcemia. Kb. Med. J. [internet]. 2022 Feb. 3 [cited 2025 Feb. 13];4(2):63-6. available from:
Case Report


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