Effectiveness of Case Management in Patients Receiving Warfarin from the Warfarin Clinic at Aoluk Hospital Krabi Province
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Background: Warfarin is a drug that some patients need for the rest of their lives. Since it has a narrow therapeutic index, drug-use cooperation, Therefore, is an important factor to achieve the maximal efficacy and safety of the patient's use.
Objective: To study the effectiveness of case management in patients treated with warfarin at Ao Luk Hospital, Krabi Province.
Materials and Methods: The one group (pretest and posttest design) of quasi-experimental research measurement was performed. The samples (n=30) were selected from patients treated with warfarin who had an average international normalized ratio (INR) value of less than 50% from May 2019 - April 2020 or have complications from drug use. Data were analyzed by using t-tests.
Results: The results of case management showed that (1) the number ratio of INR value was in target range comparing before being managed on a case-by-case basis. This was statistically significant at a level of 0.001 (P <0.001) (2) the knowledge level after case management in patients treated with warfarin was significantly higher than prior to case management (P <0.001) (3) the patients who treated with case-by-case had significantly higher self-care behaviors than before receiving case management (P <0.001).
Conclusion: Case management of patients treated with warfarin can increase the patient's knowledge of drug use and take care of themselves more appropriately.
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