
  • Bhuwanat Sriton KU


Blood pressure / Heart rate variability / Obesity / Resistance exercise


The aim of this study was to assess and compare cardiovascular response to resistance exercise (RE)at different load intensities in normal-weight and obese young adults. Nine normal-weight and 10 obese men aged 20.8 ± 1.4 years were recruited. Subjects underwent leg press exercise with two different loads but the same exercise volume. A crossover model was applied in this study: 1) 16 repetitions at 40% of a one-repetition maximum (1RM) and 2) 8 repetitions at 80% of 1RM. The RE was designed to have 3 sets and 2 one-min rest intervals. Blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) were measured before, at the rest intervals and after the RE session. The results showed that the high-load intensity elicited greater HR compared to the low-load intensity in both groups (p<0.05, both). High-frequency (HF) of HRV in the normalweight group with the high-load intensity decreased significantly compared to the low-load intensity (p<0.05). However, there was no significant difference in HF between the load intensities in the obese group. In addition,systolic BP (SBP) and mean arterial pressure (MAP) were more elevated in the obese group than the normalweight group (p<0.05) during the RE with low-load intensity. Percentage of SBP (p<0.01) and MAP (p<0.05) were more elevated in the obese group than the normal-weight group during the RE with high-load intensity as well. In conclusion, the load intensities of RE affected HR in both groups; the higher intensity, the higher HR.Moreover, the obese group presented a more pronounced cardiovascular response compared to the normalweight group with either low- or high-load intensities during the RE. Our study suggested that the low- to moderate-load intensity of RE might be appropriate for the obese individuals.
(Journal of Sports Science and Technology 2019; 19(2): 46-59)
(Received: 21 May 2019, Revised: 19 September 2019, Accepted: 25 September 2019)
Key words: Blood pressure / Heart rate variability / Obesity / Resistance exercise
*Corresponding author: Jatuporn PHOEMSAPTHAWEE
Department of Sports Science and Health, Faculty of Sports Science, Kasetsart University
Nakhon Pathom, Thailand 73140
Tel: +66-034-355258
Fax: +66-034-355258

Author Biography


Department of Sports Science and Health, Faculty of Sports Science, Kasetsart University
Nakhon Pathom, Thailand 73140
Tel: +66-034-355258
Fax: +66-034-355258


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