The Development of Education and Skill on Behavior to Prevent Acute Exacerbation and Readmit 28 Day in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in a Hospital
knowledge, skills, behavior, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Readmit 28 dayAbstract
This quasi-experimental study aimed to study effects of the development of Education and Skill on Behavior to manage acute exacerbation and Readmit 28 day in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Phukieo Chalermprakiat Hospital. Subjects were COPD patients attending. Twenty-four COPD patients who met inclusion criteria were randomly selected and assigned into either experimental (n = 12) or control group (n = 12). The experimental group obtained the pattern of program and the control group obtained the pattern of hospital care. Research instruments consisted of Education and Skill on Behavior to manage acute exacerbation and Readmit. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, dependent and independent t-test. The results of this study revealed that the behavior to manage were significantly higher than those receiving routine care (p < 0.05) and experimental group non-Readmit 28 day than those receiving routine care and control group Readmit 28 day 25 percent.
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