Functional and Cognitive Status and Driving Cessation among Senior Road Users
Physical status, Cognitive status, Senior, Driving cessationAbstract
Senior road users in Thailand face issues due to the aging population. The study aimed to analyze seniors’ physical, cognitive state, and their choices related to driving. Data collected from 268 participants in Phayao province. The tools used included a personal data record form and a form regarding the intention to stop driving vehicles. Additionally, a physical and cognitive performance assessment form was utilized to evaluate the range of motion in the joints, color blindness, depth perception, peripheral vision, brake reaction time, rapid pace walks, and clock drawing test. Most participants were married, primarily educated, and 64.8% had co-morbidities. Bicycles and motorcycles were favored transport modes, primarily used during the morning. Sixty-seven percent of participants reported visual problems; many exhibited a limited range of motion and have no intention to stop driving/riding. The study underlined the need for targeted interventions and policies to tackle specific problems faced by elderly road users, such as medical conditions, sensory impairments, and cognitive decline, to improve road safety and well-being.
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