Factors Affecting Breastfeeding during 6 months to 2 Years of Adolescent at Police General Hospital


  • Thipkhumporn Keskomon Police Nursing College, Police General Hospital, Royal Thai Police
  • Kandamanee Pansang Police Nursing College, Police General Hospital, Royal Thai Police
  • Naowanit Poungjuntaradej Police Nursing College, Police General Hospital, Royal Thai Police
  • Chutikan Klinsukon Police Nursing College, Police General Hospital, Royal Thai Police
  • Dawsakun Boonleart Police Nursing College, Police General Hospital, Royal Thai Police
  • Pawadee Thongkam Police Nursing College, Police General Hospital, Royal Thai Police
  • Sajeewit Sommai Police Nursing College, Police General Hospital, Royal Thai Police
  • Saowaluck Roon-aoy Police Nursing College, Police General Hospital, Royal Thai Police
  • Theerapong Ketsingnoi Police Nursing College, Police General Hospital, Royal Thai Police


breastfeeding from 6 months to 2 years, adolescent mothers


The objective of this research was to study the causal relationship of spouse’s support in raising children, good attitude towards child, positive attitude towards breastfeeding, and love support breastfeeding behaviors during 6 months to 2 years of 71 adolescent mothers who received services at the Police General Hospital. The instruments consisted of a 6-level evaluation measure of spouse’s support in raising children, good attitude towards child, positive attitude towards breastfeeding, and love support breastfeeding behaviors, 10 items for each. The content validity was equal to 1.0. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients were .73, .75, .77 and .78, respectively. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficients, and multiple regression analysis.

The results showed that spouse’s support in raising children, good attitude towards child, positive attitude towards breastfeeding, and love support breastfeeding behaviors during 6 months to 2 years of adolescent mothers were related to each other at the .001 level (r = .282 - .689). These variables were not related to the duration of raising children with breastfeeding. Good attitude towards children and a positive attitude towards breastfeeding could jointly explain the variation in supportive breastfeeding behaviors of adolescent mothers (43.0 %). Professionals should promote the role of spouses in supporting child rearing all stages of pregnancy and the role in breastfeeding support of family and society.


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Author Biographies

Thipkhumporn Keskomon, Police Nursing College, Police General Hospital, Royal Thai Police



Kandamanee Pansang, Police Nursing College, Police General Hospital, Royal Thai Police



Naowanit Poungjuntaradej, Police Nursing College, Police General Hospital, Royal Thai Police



Chutikan Klinsukon, Police Nursing College, Police General Hospital, Royal Thai Police



Dawsakun Boonleart, Police Nursing College, Police General Hospital, Royal Thai Police



Pawadee Thongkam, Police Nursing College, Police General Hospital, Royal Thai Police



Sajeewit Sommai , Police Nursing College, Police General Hospital, Royal Thai Police



Saowaluck Roon-aoy , Police Nursing College, Police General Hospital, Royal Thai Police



Theerapong Ketsingnoi, Police Nursing College, Police General Hospital, Royal Thai Police




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How to Cite

Keskomon T, Pansang K, Poungjuntaradej N, Klinsukon C, Boonleart D, Thongkam P, Sommai S, Roon-aoy S, Ketsingnoi T. Factors Affecting Breastfeeding during 6 months to 2 Years of Adolescent at Police General Hospital. J Royal Thai Army Nurses [internet]. 2023 Jan. 2 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];23(3):494-503. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JRTAN/article/view/259308



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