A Scale Development of Safety Outcome Instruments for Operating Rooms in General Hospitals under the Ministry of Public Health
safety outcome, scale development, operating room nursingAbstract
This quantitative study aimed to develop a measurement scale for the safety outcomes of operating rooms in general hospitals. The study used a quantitative research to develop the safety outcome scale based on the safety outcome concept of Donabedian. This study used of Devellis method for scale development. Descriptive statistics and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) were used to determine the validity of the instrument.The examination of the content validity by 7 experts revealed a content validity index = 0.90. The internal consistency reliability with Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was .98. The construct validity was performed by using EFA with 326 operating room nurses at 21 general hospitals.
The safety outcome instrument consisted of three components with 29 indicators: 1) patientcenteredness composed of 11 indicators; 2) desired outcomes composed of 12 indicators and 3) effectiveness and efficacy composed of 6 indicators. The EFA showed that the factor loading of the indicators was between 0.55-0.83, all of which were statistically significant at .001. The developed instrument was congruent with empirical data (KMO = 0.96, df = 406, χ2 = 8577.305 and p <.001). The three components of the safety outcome measurement were explained by 27.05%, 24.77% and 16.28% with total of variance at 68.10%, respectively. The division head nurses should use the safety outcome measurement to measure the level of safety outcomes of operating rooms, thereby leading to patient safety.
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