Influence of Stress, Time of First Sucking, Gravidity, Type of Cesarean Section, Pethidine, and Oxytocin to Onset Time of Lactation in Mothers after Cesarean Delivery


  • Chananrat Boondee Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University
  • Wanna Phahuwatanakorn Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University
  • Piyanun Limruangrong Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University
  • Pharuhas Chanprapaph Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University


Onset of lactation, first sucking, Gravidity, Cesarean section, Pethidine


This predictive study aimed to study influence of stress, time of first sucking, gravidity, type of cesarean section, pethidine, and oxytocin to onset time of lactation in mothers after cesarean delivery. The subjects were 101 mothers with cesarean section who attended in the postpartum care unit in University Hospital, Bangkok and Tertiary care unit, Nakornnayok.Personal data record form, Drugs used record form, Onset time of lactation record, and Stress Test Questionnaire (ST-5) were used for data collection. The data were analyzed by using descriptive, Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient and Multiple linear regression analysis.

The findings revealed all independent variables together statistically significantly predicted the onset of lactation by 50.3 (F = 15.833, p < .01) Pethidine (B = .554, p < .01), time of first sucking (B = .600, p < .01) and gravidity (B = -7.465, p < .01) can predicted onset of lactation statistically significantly.

The findings revealed all independent variables together statistically significantly predicted the onset of lactation by 50.3 (F = 15.833, p < .01) Pethidine (B = .554, p < .01), time of first sucking (B = .600, p < .01) and gravidity (B = -7.465, p < .01) can predicted onset of lactation statistically significantly. The suggestion from the study are that nurse midwife should initiate breastfeeding immediately after cesarean section especially first time mothers. In addition, drug for pain relief is used as necessary or using nonpharmacological for pain relief method.


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How to Cite

Boondee C, Phahuwatanakorn W, Limruangrong P, Chanprapaph P. Influence of Stress, Time of First Sucking, Gravidity, Type of Cesarean Section, Pethidine, and Oxytocin to Onset Time of Lactation in Mothers after Cesarean Delivery. J Royal Thai Army Nurses [internet]. 2023 May 5 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];24(1):211-20. available from:



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