The Effect of Gender and Age range Differences in older people on The Emotional Valence of Thai Words, Picture and Digitized Sounds


  • Phatcharaphan Chaiyasung Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi
  • Rutshaporn Sridet Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi
  • Kiattisak Sangpradit Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi
  • Watchara Damjuti Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi


Emotional Valence, Thai Word, Picture, Digitized Sound, The older people


The purposes of this research were to design experimental activities of looking at Thai words, image and listening to digitized sounds which stimulated emotional valence of the older people and study the emotional, behavioral impression while looking at Thai words Pictures and listen to the digital sound that evokes the impression of being classified by gender and age range. The sample were older people living in Nong Suea district community, Pathumthani Province, 80 people. The instruments used in this research consisted of the activities of looking at Thai words, Picture and listening to digitized sounds which consisted emotional valence, Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM) The data were analyzed by Two-Way ANOVA.

The research results were as follows: 1. The activities of looking at Thai words, Picture and listening to digitized sounds consisted of 3 blocks; each block of 10 stimulus which were Everyday life, Nature view and the characteristics of art and culture Thai words Pictures and listen to the digital sounds. 2. The gender differences of the older people had no influence on looking at Thai words, Picture and listening to digitized sounds. 3. The early old age showed Daily life and the characteristics of art and culture more than middle old age with satistically significant at .05 level. It may be concluded that there was emotional valence; satisfied difference while older people with different Age range were looking at Thai words, image and listening to digitized sounds on emotional valence; satisfied. Suggestion This study should be conducted in conjunction with Event Related Potential. This is a deep study of how the brain functions and changes the EEG.


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How to Cite

Chaiyasung P, Sridet R, Sangpradit K, Damjuti W. The Effect of Gender and Age range Differences in older people on The Emotional Valence of Thai Words, Picture and Digitized Sounds. J Royal Thai Army Nurses [Internet]. 2022 May 4 [cited 2024 Sep. 20];23(1):80-99. Available from:



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