Role-play Simulations and Guideline to Develop the Professional Competences


  • สุมนา โสตถิผลอนันต์ Faculty of Nursing, Kasem Bundit University


Role-play simulations, Professional competences, Performance assessment


Using role-play simulations provide students an opportunity to learn through playing a role in real-life situation. Students can solve problems and make decisions, also discuss the results of their actions. The focus in a role-play simulation is on learning by doing. This simulation techniques help students perform clinical skills correctly and fulfill professional responsibilities in the future. This article focus on the benefits and guideline to develop the professional competences, by using Miller’s pyramid model. That divides the development of clinical competence into four, hierarchical processes. There is knowledge, application of knowledge, clinical skills competency and clinical performance. That can using role-play simulations for performance assessment to evaluate. The method has three steps: 1) Prepare to teach, by promotion of reflective, performance and interactive engagement. 2) Role-play simulation, where student ran the cases. 3) Debriefing, students opportunity to reflected their performance and assessment. That is the benefits to develop the professional competences.


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How to Cite

โสตถิผลอนันต์ ส. Role-play Simulations and Guideline to Develop the Professional Competences. J Royal Thai Army Nurses [Internet]. 2023 May 5 [cited 2024 Dec. 19];24(1):1-9. Available from:



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