Impact of Cognitive Training Program on Executive Functions and Working Memory in Teachers in Eastern Economic Corridor
Cognitive Training Program, Executive functions (EFs), Working memory, Teacher, Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC)Abstract
This research aims to develop and examine the effectiveness of cognitive training on executive functions (EFs) and working memory among teachers in in Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC). The sample consisted of 60 teachers in EEC. They were randomly assigned by using the matched paired into two groups: an experimental and a control group. Each group consisted of 30 teachers. The research instruments were 1) Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function-Adult Version: Thai version (BRIEF-A: Thai version) , 2) Letter Number Sequencing test (LNS), and 3) cognitive training programs for enhancing EFs and working memory (EFWM-TE), which was designed by the researcher based on integrated acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), focused attention meditation (FAM), and cognitive training. The experimental group received the EFWM-TE 8 sessions (90-minute session) by training in a marathon for 2 days. Meanwhile, the control group received short 12-minute documentary video on how to strengthen the executive functions of the brain and working memory, which was developed by the researcher. The samples were assessed on EFs of the brain and working memory both before and after the experiments. The collected data were analyzed by means and t-score.
The research results were found that EEC teachers received EFWM-TE cognitive training showed better performance on EFs and working memory tasks when compared to performance tasks before training and also compared to control group (p < 0.05).
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