A Concept Analysis of Self Control in Older Adults
Concept Analysis, Self Control, Older AdultsAbstract
The concept of self-control is crucial in older adults because the consequence of high or low self-control directly impacts health outcomes in this population. However, the concept of self-control in older adults has not clearly been described from a nursing perspective. The purpose of this study was to clarify the concept of self-control in older adults. The Walker and Avant methodology was used for this concept analysis. There are eight steps in this method 1) selecting a concept 2) determining the aims or purpose of analysis 3) identifying all uses of the concept 4) determining the defining attributes 5) constructing a model case 6) constructing contrary, related and borderline cases 7) identifying antecedents and consequences and 8) defining empirical referents. The concept of self-control in older adults is defined as the following; 1) knowledge, 2) perceived benefit, 3) cognitive processing, 4) self-beliefs or personal beliefs 5) impulse control or motivation, and 6) capability and need to control. This concept analysis can expand the knowledge of self-control in older adults. Nurses can use the concept of self-control to encourage older adults to reach their healthcare goals.
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