Factors Predicting Traumatic Patients Readiness for Hospital Discharge after Extremity Surgery


  • Thippawan Pramnoi Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University
  • Suporn Danaidutsadeekul Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University
  • Wallada Chanruangvanich Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University


traumatic patients after extremity surgery, meaning of illness, health literacy, length of stay, readiness for hospital discharge


This study is a predictive correlation aimed to study is to investigate factors influencing Readiness for hospital discharge to home. By using transition theory. The sample total is 75 traumatic patients after extremity surgery, who were admitted at the Phrachomklao, Phetchaburi Hospital. The instruments used for data collection were the personal data questionnaire, the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire, the Health literacy Questionnaire, and The Brief PREPARED. Statistical analysis using multiple regression.

The results, found that Age, Length of stay, Meaning of Illness, and Health literacy predicted readiness for hospital discharge, 51.8 of traumatic patients after extremity surgery showed statistically significant results (R2 = .518, F = 18.829, p < .05). The factor that can predict the readiness for hospital discharge with the highest statistical significance was health literacy (β = .434, p < .001), followed by the meaning of illness (β = -.296, p < .01) and length of stay (β = -.231, p = .01), respectively. The research results can be developed into a nursing program or model. To improve the quality of care for Traumatic patients after extremity surgery. Enabling patients can self-care themselves effectively, lead to well-being.


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How to Cite

Pramnoi T, Danaidutsadeekul S, Chanruangvanich W. Factors Predicting Traumatic Patients Readiness for Hospital Discharge after Extremity Surgery. J Royal Thai Army Nurses [internet]. 2022 Oct. 2 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];23(2):179-87. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JRTAN/article/view/250718



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