Design Thinking Process of Leader Model for Nursing Educational Administrators Among the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Situation


  • Thinnakorn Buachu College of Nursing, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Pimradar Tummeepukdee College of Nursing, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Prapaporn Muangkaew College of Nursing, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Ravinun Nuchasilp College of Nursing, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Sirirak Jaroensrimuang College of Nursing, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Sirinna Tassaneeyarat Rattana Bundit University


Design thinking process, Leader, Nursing education


Nursing education leaders must be aware and creatively cope with the situation of the coronavirus disease 2019 epidemic, enabling leaders to learn and create a new paradigm in nursing education management in line with the new normal social era. When nursing education organizations face rapid changes, the role of a leader is challenging, complex, and extremely important. The design thinking process for leadership development will give nursing education administrators a new perspective on effective and effective management in order to maintain the quality of nursing education. Therefore, nursing education leaders must adopt a new educational management paradigm to cope with other emergencies that may arise in the future by developing leadership in emergency management, profession, and academy for the management of nursing education to be continued and appropriate in accordance with the situation through the design thinking process and main strategies to promote leadership development


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How to Cite

Buachu T, Tummeepukdee P, Muangkaew P, Nuchasilp R, Jaroensrimuang S, Tassaneeyarat S. Design Thinking Process of Leader Model for Nursing Educational Administrators Among the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Situation. J Royal Thai Army Nurses [internet]. 2022 May 4 [cited 2025 Feb. 11];23(1):41-8. available from:



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