The Development of Competency Scale for Nurses Mentors in Vajira Hospital


  • Vilailux Nertprasertkul Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital, Navamindradhiraj University
  • Parichad Jansoontraporn Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital, Navamindradhiraj University


Evaluation form, nurse mentor competency, mentor nurse


This is descriptive research. The objective was the development and quality examination of competency scale for mentors nursing in Vajira Hospital. The research was divided into 2 phases: the first phase was to create a competency assessment form for mentor nurses, which consisted of reviewing the literature and interviewing 12 experts and drafting an assessment form. The second phase of research was to examine the quality of the assessment was to find the corroborative components by collecting data with a sample of 300 people and testing the quality of the assessment by 5 experts and 40 mentor nurses. A total of 16 stages of the study. The analysis of competency components of nurse preceptors using SPSS in the process of factor analysis, the quality inspection of questionnaire using content validity index, and the determination of tool reliability using cronbach’s alpha coefficient.

The study results, it was demonstrated that there were 6 components in the competency of nurse preceptor questionnaire, including 1) mentoring and teaching 2) leadership, interaction skills, and service quality development 3) system and unban medicine perspective 4) exemplary modeling and public mind 5) nursing intervention 6) communication skills using information technology for learning. Furthermore, it was shown that a Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) value of 0.976 and Bartlett’s Sphericity test result having a p-value < 0.001 with eigenvalues from each value were 5.23 – 11.66 with the variance of 7.27 – 16.19 percent and the cumulative variance of 73.67 percent. All of the 6 competency components of nurse preceptors passed the quality inspection with the content validity index (CVI) for a scale of 0.91 and the Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient for a scale of 0.98, which means the questionnaire was highly reliable.


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How to Cite

Nertprasertkul V, Jansoontraporn P. The Development of Competency Scale for Nurses Mentors in Vajira Hospital. J Royal Thai Army Nurses [internet]. 2021 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];22(3):313-21. available from:



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