Enhancing Older Adults’ Health Promotion Activities by using Community-Based Participation



Older adults, Health promotion activities, Community-based participation


Older adults’ health promotion behaviors are most important challenge concern for many societies. The studying purpose was to investigate health promotion activities of older adults by using community-based participation. The Ottawa Charter for health promotion was used as a studying framework. Sixty-six older adults from communities in central Thailand were randomly allocated to the study. The 13-item questionnaire was administered to assess demographic data. Open-ended questions were used to assess the opinion of participants about the situations and participating in health promotion. Data from participation observations and focus groups were analyzed using the content analysis.

The findings were organized by three main themes in enhaceing health promotion activiies, namely pursuing comprehensive planning, promoting community engagement and prioritizing the older adults’ needs. Thease activities were performed through health constitution, promoting built environment modification, enhancing personal skills, and reorientation of health services by responding the needs of older adults are the main success of health promotion. The community empowerment by fostering the community ownership, social support and participation are essential requirements for sustainable health promotion behavior change. This studying had unexpected benefits, including more integrated community engagement, increased knowledge, greater awareness and understanding of the importance of health promotion participation among older adults. Findings provide data-based for community nurses to develop interventions to improve community participation in changing health-promoting behaviors.


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Author Biography

Yupa Jewpattanakul, Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University

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How to Cite

Reunthongdee U, Jewpattanakul Y. Enhancing Older Adults’ Health Promotion Activities by using Community-Based Participation. J Royal Thai Army Nurses [internet]. 2022 May 4 [cited 2025 Feb. 11];23(1):274-82. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JRTAN/article/view/250101



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