The Development of an Enhancing Competency Program through Electronic Media for Perioperative Nurses to Care Patients with Brain Tumor Surgery at Sunpasitthiprasong Hospital


  • Sulakkana Janthaweesuk Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • Boontip Siritarungsri Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • Sompong Pamulila Faculty of Nursing, Ubonrachathani University
  • Usavadee Asdornwised Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University


Program for enhancing competency, Electronic media


The purposes of this research and development were: (1) to develop an enhancing competency program through Electronic Media for perioperative nurses to care patients with brain tumor surgery at Sunpasitthiprasong Hospital, and (2) to examine the results of program implementation for caring patients with brain tumor surgery at Sunpasitthiprasong Hospital.

The sample comprised 36 perioperative nurses at the 1st - 4th levels in the operating room at Sunpasitthiprasong Hospital, and they were selected by purposive sampling. The research tools composed of (1) a program to enhance competency through electronic media, named “Line Application on Brain Tumor Surgery” for perioperative nurses and a surgeon to care patients with brain tumor surgery, and (2) evaluation form to evaluate perioperative nurses’ competencies. These tools were developed by the researcher and integrated 3 concepts relating to brain tumor surgery, and were verified by 5 experts. Content validity index and the Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficients of the questionnaires were 0.944 and 0.982 respectively. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pair t-test.

Research findings were as follows. 1) The developed program included 5 activities (1) program introduction, (2) giving knowledge, (3) simulation, (4) assignment, and (5) knowledge sharing. 2) After program implementation, the mean score of perioperative nurses’ competencies in 5 domains was at the highest level (M = 4.394, SD = .447), and were statistically significantly higher than before (p < .01).


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How to Cite

Janthaweesuk S, Siritarungsri B, Pamulila S, Asdornwised U. The Development of an Enhancing Competency Program through Electronic Media for Perioperative Nurses to Care Patients with Brain Tumor Surgery at Sunpasitthiprasong Hospital. J Royal Thai Army Nurses [internet]. 2020 Dec. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];21(3):48-57. available from:



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