The social support on grief of maternal after pregnancy loss


  • Nantida Pheawhronburee Maharatnakhonratchasima Hospital, Nakhonratchasima
  • Buntom Jaisamran Maharatnakhonratchasima Hospital, Nakhonratchasima
  • Nonglak Muachabok Maharatnakhonratchasima Hospital, Nakhonratchasima


Social support, pregnancy loss, Grief


The Quasi-experimental study aimed to describe the effect of the social support care model on grief among women who experienced termination of pregnancy. The one group pre-post test design was applied to conduct this research. Twenty women who experienced termination of pregnancy due to fetal conditions admitted in the gynaecological care ward, Maharat-Nakhon Ratchasima hospital were included in the study. All received the developed social support care model during stayed in the hospital. Collecting data by questionnaire related to personal information and grief scores, provided grief assessment at pre-intervention and two times post-intervention; before discharge and 2 weeks after terminating of pregnancy. Descriptive statistics and statistical tests of difference were performed in data analysis. The result revealed that women’s grief scores after providing social support care model were significantly statistical lower than pre-intervention (p-value <0.05).


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How to Cite

Pheawhronburee N, Jaisamran B, Muachabok N. The social support on grief of maternal after pregnancy loss. J Royal Thai Army Nurses [internet]. 2022 May 4 [cited 2025 Feb. 11];23(1):247-54. available from:



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