Social Support and Intimate Partner Violence as Predictors of Insomnia among Thai Women


  • Muntaha Alibrahim College of Nursing, Kent State University
  • Patricia Vermeersch College of Nursing, Kent State University
  • Yafen Wang College of Nursing, Kent State University
  • Ratchneewan Ross School of Nursing, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro


Insomnia, intimate partner violence, physical violence, sexual violence, psychological violence, social support


Exposure to extreme stressors such as intimate partner violence (IPV) could lead to insomnia, affecting physical and mental health of the victims. This study aimed to examine a) the relationships between insomnia and the number of types of IPV, perceived severity of violence, and social support among Thai adult women; b) the moderating effect of social support on the relationships between the number of types of IPV, perceived severity of each type of IPV (physical violence, sexual, and psychological) and insomnia after controlling for age, education, and income; and c) which form of social support, family or friends, was more effective as a moderator. The transactional model of stress and coping guided the study. A correlational, cross-sectional design with secondary data analysis was used. The insomnia item of the Patient Health Questionnaire, Severity of Abuse against Women Scale, and Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (family scale, and family scale) were used to measure insomnia, the number of types of IPV, and social support, respectively. The study sample was 284 Thai women receiving care at obstetrics and gynecology units in a Thai hospital. Hierarchical multiple regression was used to analyze data. Results showed that friends support and the number of types of IPV experienced significantly predicted insomnia.


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How to Cite

Alibrahim M, Vermeersch P, Wang Y, Ross R. Social Support and Intimate Partner Violence as Predictors of Insomnia among Thai Women. J Royal Thai Army Nurses [internet]. 2021 Apr. 25 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];22(1):128-37. available from:



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