Development of Nursing Practice Guideline among Spine Surgery Patients in Chonburi Hospital


  • Khwanjit Saksriwatana Chonburi Hospital
  • Rungtip Ratanamaitrekeart Chonburi Hospital
  • Jirathida Anannaweenusorn Chonburi Hospital
  • Angkana Chongjarearn Faculty of Nursing, Burupha University, Chonburi


Chonburi Hospital, Nursing Practice Guideline Development, Spine Surgery Patient


This research aimed to develop and study the effects of nursing practice guidelines among spine surgery patients in Chonburi Hospital that applied the concepts of practice development of the National Research Council of Australia. The samples were the perioperative nurses and the spine surgery patients. The data were analized using descriptive statistics and dependent t-test.

The results showed that NPG includes three parts; Pre-Operative nursing, Intra-Operative nursing and Post-operative nursing. After following NPG, perioperative nurses have been positively in knowledge and working skills. These changes were significantly higher than before and satisfied in NPG at high level ( x̄ = 4.60, SD =0.18). Spine surgery patients satisfied at highest level ( x̄ = 4.83, SD = 0.21). Complication was not found in spine surgery.


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How to Cite

Saksriwatana K, Ratanamaitrekeart R, Anannaweenusorn J, Chongjarearn A. Development of Nursing Practice Guideline among Spine Surgery Patients in Chonburi Hospital. J Royal Thai Army Nurses [Internet]. 2020 Apr. 1 [cited 2024 Dec. 19];21(1):376-84. Available from:



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