The Correlation Between Self-Management and Happiness Levels of Heart Disease in The Community-Dwelling Old Population of Phetchaburi Province
Self-management, Older people, Happiness level, Heart diseaseAbstract
The purpose of this study to analyze the relationship between self-management and happiness levels of heart disease in the community-dwelling old population of Phetchaburi Province. The subjects of this study were older people with heart disease who have been diagnosed by doctors, both male and female, who live the community-dwelling of Phetchaburi province by random sampling in 88 cases. The participants were asked about demographics, medical histories, self-care management of heart disease, level of happiness. Descriptive statistics, chi-square, Pearson correlation were used for analysis.
Finding: Self-management of the older people with heart disease was a fair level (mean = 34.93, S.D. = 8.21) and the happiness was a moderate level (mean = 91.87, S.D. = 10.66). For each component of self-management, the result revealed that every component significantly correlated with happiness at .001 level. Self-management was a significantly positive relationship with the happiness in older with heart disease at p .01 level (r = .624). Therefore, effective self-management will help the older with heart disease improve the quality of life.
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