The Enhancement of Parental Acceptance to transgender children by Assimilative integrate Family counseling


  • Wararat Pratanvorapanya Burapha University
  • Pennapha Koolnapadol Burapha University
  • Doldao Purananon Burapha University


Parental acceptance, Transgender children, Integrated family counseling


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the factors affecting the acceptance of parents having transgender children, and 2) to study the results of the assimilative integrate family counseling to enhance the acceptance of parents having transgender children. The research was divided into 2 processes. 1) The assessment of factors affecting the acceptance of parents having transgender children was collected. The sample size was 400 the parents having transgender children studying in secondary school, years 1st - 3rd, under Ministry of Education in Nonthaburi, Academic Year B.E. 2560. The instrument was the assessment of factors affecting the acceptance of parents having transgender children questionnaires, consisting of parental awareness, social influence, expectations of parents, parental characteristics and family relationships. The data were analyzed using basic statistics and Model MIMIC analysis. 2) Used the theory-based integrated family counseling program to enhance the acceptance of parents having transgender children was conducted. The sample size 20 families, including the parents having transgender children who had a lower score of the questionnaire than 3.50. These sample was divided into 2 groups, consisting of 10 families on experimental groups and 10 families on control groups. The experimental groups were provided 90 minutes of the theory-based integrated family counseling program in 12 times. The factors affecting the acceptance of parents having transgender children questionnaire was re-tested to study the results of the theory-based integrated family counseling. The data were analyzed using One-Way ANOVA Repeated Measurement.

The results of this research showed that the factors that affected the acceptance of parents having transgender children consisted of parental features, parental awareness, social influence, and family relationships. The coefficient of influences was 0.44, 0.30, 0.22 and 0.18 respectively. The acceptance of parents having transgender children after the tracking period of the experimental group had a higher score than the control group in the post-trial period at the .05 level significant.


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How to Cite

Pratanvorapanya W, Koolnapadol P, Purananon D. The Enhancement of Parental Acceptance to transgender children by Assimilative integrate Family counseling. J Royal Thai Army Nurses [Internet]. 2020 Apr. 25 [cited 2024 Dec. 19];21(1):385-96. Available from:



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