The Effectiveness of The Specialized Nursing Program in Organs Donation and Organ Transplantation
Specialized Nursing Program, Competencies, Organs Donation and Organ TransplantationAbstract
This curriculum evaluation research uses a mixed method design through quantitative and qualitative data. The main purpose is to study the effectiveness of the specialized nursing program in organs donation and transplantation, class 1, at Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Nopparat Vajira. This study collects data from all populations, in total 133 people, including with 1) Graduates of the specialized nursing program in organs donation and organ transplantation, 2) Graduates’ supervisors 3) Graduates’ colleagues, and 4) Graduates’ instructors. The instruments are 1) the questionnaire evaluating the competencies of the graduates finishing this specialized nursing program including 5 rating scale, and 2) interviewing questionnaire of qualitative data collecting data from the instructors.
The results show that 97.56 percent of the graduates report a high level score of specialty instructors in conducting the course and 95.12 percent report a high level score of classroom management. For the process evaluation, the course follows curriculum administration including curriculum opening, implementing, and improving. The evaluation of the effectiveness of the program in organs donation and organ transplantation reveals. The participants evaluate all competencies at high level. Their colleagues evaluate all competencies at the highest level. The graduates evaluate the highest mean scores of the ethical competency 4.64 (SD = 0.52) and professional nursing competency 4.61 (SD = 0.46). However, the perceptions of competencies among the participants, supervisors, and colleagues are different with statistical significant, p = 0.004.
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