Developing Self-Regulation Model of Pre-Service Skills Training in Practicuum in Family Nursing and Midwifery I course of Nursing Students in Srisavarindhira Thai Red Cross Institute of Nursing
The research aimed to study self-regulation of nursing students and develop a model for self-regulation of pre-service skills training in Practicum in Family Nursing and Midwifery I among nursing students in Srisavarindhira Thai Red Cross Institute of Nursing. The sample was 145 third-year nursing students who registered for Practicum in Family Nursing and Midwifery I in the academic year 2017. The record form, questionnaires, and conducting focus group interview of 10 participants were used to collect data. Descriptive statistics and content analysis were used to analyze the data.
The result revealed that self-regulation in practicing nursing skills prior to study Practicum in Family Nursing and Midwifery I was at a high level in overall. The three aspects of self-regulation include selfobservation, self-reaction, and self- judgment and self-reaction were at a high level in overall and each item. The self-regulation method used to succeed in practical skills training consists of 3 aspects as mentioned. Students need more additional teaching and learning activities to help develop their self-regulation as follow; 1) measurement and evaluation 2) step-by-step training system 3) media, materials and equipment 4) time availability 5) peer group
To sum up, Applying theory to develop self- regulation model in practical skills training consisting of 3 stages: 1) preparation stage 2) self- regulation development stage for practice nursing skills and 3) evaluation stage
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