The Effects of Detection and Prevention of Hypoglycemia Program on Blood Sugar with Diabetes Type 2 Patients at Female Surgery Ward of Chaiyaphum Hospital


  • Mali Sawang Chaiyaphum hospital
  • Yuwadee Boonnao Faculty of Nursing, Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University
  • Parichat Yatniyom Faculty of Nursing, Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University


Detection and prevention of hypoglycemia program, Blood sugar level, Diabetes type 2 patients, Female surgical ward of Chaiyaphum hospital


The purpose of this quasi-experimental research were to the effects of detection and prevention of hypoglycemia program on hypoglycemia ratio with diabetes type 2 patients at surgical department. The 46 diabetes type 2 patients at female surgery ward of Chaiyaphum hospital were purposive sample to one group. The instrument consisted of 1) detection and prevention of hypoglycemia program for diabetes type 2 patients at surgical ward include 1.1) hypoglycemia for diabetes type 2 patients risk assessment tool 1.2) detection and prevention of hypoglycemia program for diabetes type 2 patients manual 1.3) education in diabetes type 2 manual 1.4) level of blood sugar record form 1.5) glucose meter 1.6) care of diabetes patients manual at Chaiyaphum hospital. Frequency, mean, ratio, standard deviation, compare mean score of fasting blood sugar level were used to analyze data. The results were presented that three group of type 2 diabetes patients were ; 1) three patients of minimal risk group (score of risk 0- 4) were six point fifty two percent hadn’t hypoglycemia sign 2) thirty six patients of moderate risk group (score of risk 5-12) were seventy eight point twenty six had once of hypoglycemia sign 3) seven patients of high risk group (score of risk ≥ 13) were fifteen point twenty two had fourteenth time of hypoglycemia sign. The mean score of blood sugar level of high risk group was significantly different (p<0.1) but minimal and moderate risk group weren’t significantly different. Moreover It is suggested that all of surgery patient should detection and prevention of diabetes.


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How to Cite

Sawang M, Boonnao Y, Yatniyom P. The Effects of Detection and Prevention of Hypoglycemia Program on Blood Sugar with Diabetes Type 2 Patients at Female Surgery Ward of Chaiyaphum Hospital. J Royal Thai Army Nurses [internet]. 2021 Apr. 25 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];22(1):272-8. available from:



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