An Evaluation of the Bachelor Science in Nursing Curriculum (Revised. B.E. 2555) of The Royal Thai Army Nursing College


  • ศิริพร พูนชัย The Royal Thai Army Nursing College, Bangkok
  • บุศย์รินทร์ อารยะธนิตกุล The Royal Thai Army Nursing College
  • อมราภรณ์ หมีปาน The Royal Thai Army Nursing College, Bangkok,
  • อภิญญา อินทรรัตน์ The Royal Thai Army Nursing College, Bangkok
  • พัชราภรณ์ อุ่นเตจ๊ะ The Royal Thai Army Nursing College, Bangkok
  • อายุพร ประสิทธิเวชชากูร The Royal Thai Army Nursing College, Bangkok
  • สรินทร เชี่ยวโสธร The Royal Thai Army Nursing College, Bangkok


Curriculum Evaluation, Bachelor of Nursing Science Curriculum


The purpose of this descriptive research is to evaluate the Bachelor of Nursing Science Curriculum (Revised, B.E. 2555) of the Royal Thai Army Nursing College in terms of context, input, process, and product, based on the CIPP Model. There are 376 participants in this study, including 51 administrators and teaching staffs, 240 nursing students, 35 teaching support personnel, and 50 professional nurses. The tools of the study were the questionnaires for assessment of the Bachelor of Nursing Curriculum in terms of context, input, process, and product. The content validity of the tools was evaluated by 5 experts which IOC > 0.5.

Furthermore, descriptive statistics comprising of percentage calculation, arithmetic mean, and standard deviation were used to analyze the data. The research findings were: The philosophy of the curriculum was apparently consistent with the objectives of the curriculum. The objectives of the curriculum were paralleled with the social change and needs. The amount of credits of the curriculum structure was high. The amount of the credits of the teaching-learning arrangement in each subject of the curriculum, the teaching staffs’ competencies, and the sufficiency of the supporting factors were highly appropriate. The teaching-learning arrangement was evaluated at the highest level. Furthermore, the curriculum administration was evaluated at high level. The learning achievement of the second, third, and fourth year students were evaluated at moderate level. The opinions of the administrators and teaching staffs, the professional nurses, and the second, third, and fourth year nursing students themselves toward the nursing students’ personal characteristics were evaluated at high level. The results of this study could be a baseline information to improve and develop nursing curriculum.


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How to Cite

พูนชัย ศ, อารยะธนิตกุล บ, หมีปาน อ, อินทรรัตน์ อ, อุ่นเตจ๊ะ พ, ประสิทธิเวชชากูร อ, เชี่ยวโสธร ส. An Evaluation of the Bachelor Science in Nursing Curriculum (Revised. B.E. 2555) of The Royal Thai Army Nursing College. J Royal Thai Army Nurses [Internet]. 2019 Aug. 22 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];20(2):380-9. Available from:



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