Relationships between Personal Factors, Work - Life Balance, Organizational Support, and Intention to Stay of Experienced Nurses, Private Hospitals Accredited by Joint Commission International Standard, Bangkok Metropolis


  • นฤมล นุ้ยรัตน์ โรงพยาบาลบำรุงราษฎร์ จำกัด มหาชน
  • กัญญดา ประจุศิลป คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย


Intention to stay, Work- Life Balance, Organizational Support, Experienced Nurses


The purposes of this research were to explore the intention to stay and to examine the relationships between personal factors, work-life balance, organizational support, and intention to stay of experienced nurses, private hospitals accredited by joint commission international standard, Bangkok metropolis. The sample were 230 experienced nurses over 40 years of age and over 10 years of work experience in private hospitals accredited by joint commission international standard, Bangkok metropolis, selected by simple random sampling technique. Research instruments were personal factors, work-life balance, organizational support, and intention to stay of experienced nurse questionnaires which were confirmed content validity by experts. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was .90 of work-life balance and .93 of organizational support questionnaires. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Eta Coefficient and Chi-square. The major findings were as follows: 1. Intention to stay of experienced nurses in private hospitals accredited by joint commission international standard, Bangkok metropolis; most of them intend to stay without turnover intention or early retirement within 1-3 years was 75.65 percent and turnover intention 24.35 percent. 2. There were significant relationships between salary level, work-life balance, organizational support and intention to stay of experienced nurses at the moderate level (Eta =.350,.681 , and .624respectively)There were significant relationships between duration of work, hometown and intention to stay of experienced nurses at the low level (Eta =.208and r = .089 respectively)


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How to Cite

นุ้ยรัตน์ น, ประจุศิลป ก. Relationships between Personal Factors, Work - Life Balance, Organizational Support, and Intention to Stay of Experienced Nurses, Private Hospitals Accredited by Joint Commission International Standard, Bangkok Metropolis. J Royal Thai Army Nurses [Internet]. 2019 Jan. 3 [cited 2024 Dec. 19];19:149-57. Available from: