The Nrses Role in Delirium Management in Older Persons


  • เนตรดาว ชัชวาล วิทยาลัยพยาบาลกองทัพบก
  • พัชราภรณ์ อุ่นเตจ๊ะ วิทยาลัยพยาบาลกองทัพบก
  • อริสรา อยู่รุ่ง วิทยาลัยพยาบาลกองทัพบก


Elderly, Delirium, Nurses role


Delirium is frequency often develop in a hospital especially in elderly patients. Older people usually have chronic diseases. When these conditions become worse and need for the care in a hospital, this group of patients often develops a delirium. Numerous studies indicate that the delirium has many negative outcomes for older patients such as a prolonged hospitalization and an increased mobility and mortality rates. A nurse is in an important position with a role to take care of patients as a bedside caregiver. If nurses have knowledge, understanding, awareness or recognition of delirium, identify all possible risk factors and provide appropriate management to change those modifiable risk factors and can use delirium screening tools for early detection, the incident of delirium and the negative outcomes of older patients will decrease.


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How to Cite

ชัชวาล เ, อุ่นเตจ๊ะ พ, อยู่รุ่ง อ. The Nrses Role in Delirium Management in Older Persons. J Royal Thai Army Nurses [Internet]. 2018 Aug. 29 [cited 2024 Jun. 30];19(2):103-10. Available from:



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