Developing Evidence-Based Nursing Innovations for Supporting and Promoting Necessary Self-Care for Colostomy Patients


  • อนุชา ไทยวงษ์ วิทยาลัยพยาบาลศรีมหาสารคาม
  • วิรัตน์ดา สาระโภค โรงพยาบาลร้อยเอ็ด
  • นุชนาถ บุญมาศ วิทยาลัยพยาบาลศรีมหาสารคาม
  • พนิดา บุญสุข โรงพยาบาลร้อยเอ็ด


Nursing innovation development, Evidence-based practice, Colostomy, Self-care


Colostomy is a surgical procedure that brings one part of the end of the large intestine out through an opening (stoma) of the abdominal wall. Stool was moving through the intestine drainage through the stoma and dropped into a bag attached to the abdomen wall. This surgical procedure is for the patient with bowel problems, especially patients with colorectal cancer. However, this surgery may affect to the physical and psychological health of patient, his/her appearance, daily life, and quality of life. Therefore, the patients required to perform proper self-care. The purpose of this article was to propose nursing innovations in promoting self-care for colostomy patients based on Orem’s self-care theory and empirical evidence applying from Flemming & Fenton’s concept, consisting of five-step practices namely 1) questioning from problem situations, 2) searching for empirical evidence, 3) evaluating the quality of empirical evidence, 4) deciding and implementing, and 5) continuous monitoring the performance. The developed nursing innovations consisted of 1) Colostomy Patient Care Plan, 2) Self-care Files, 3) Self-care Manuals for the Patients, 4) Instructional Models invention, and 5) Colostomy Bag Invention. When the innovative nursing model had been implemented, it was found that the patients and caregivers had a high level of knowledge, skills, and satisfaction with the developed innovative nursing model.



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How to Cite

ไทยวงษ์ อ, สาระโภค ว, บุญมาศ น, บุญสุข พ. Developing Evidence-Based Nursing Innovations for Supporting and Promoting Necessary Self-Care for Colostomy Patients. J Royal Thai Army Nurses [internet]. 2018 Apr. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 16];19:41-9. available from: