Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Thai Version Psychological Well-Being Scale among Men who have sex with men
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Objective: To analyze the confirmatory factor analysis of the Thai version of the psychological well-being scale in men who have sex with men (MSM).
Methods: This cross-sectional study focused on Thai MSM, 25 years and older. Data was collected during the months of August-November 2022, using snowball sampling. Participation was voluntary, and a total of 212 people were selected. The research tool was Thai version of psychological well-being scale. Data was collected online. Then, statistics were used to analyze the data using exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis.
Results: The sample were men who reported having sex with men within the past 6 months (100%) with a mean age of 32.30 years ( = 32.30, SD = 5.86). Thai version of psychological well-being scale in MSM can be measured as a single dimension and has good consistency with empirical data when studied in MSM (χ2=18.02, p-value=.26, χ2/df= 1.20, GFI=.98, CFI=.99, AGFI=.95, RMR=.02, RMSEA=.03, TLI=.99), with factor loading between .86 and .94.
Conclusion: The Thai version of psychological well-being scale has a single dimension, which is same as the original version. Items have high factor loading and the measurement model was consistent with the empirical data. It shows that Thai version of psychological well-being scale has good construct validity.
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