Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in Thai dementia patients in Ramathibodi Hospital

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Benchaphorn Thammathorn
Daochompu Nakawiro


Objective: To study prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in dementia patients in Ramathibodi hospital and to find correlation between vitamin D level and cognitive screening test.

Methods: This retrospective study obtained samples by reviewing Ramathibodi medical records of those who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or Vascular dementia (ICD 10 – F00 or F01) between 2015 and 2021 where their serum vitamin D level (25(OH)D) were completely recorded. However, additional data of certain number of sample group were successfully obtained. These data include demographic data, medical data, cognitive screening test results, including Mini-mental status examination (MMSE), and Montreal cognitive assessment (MoCA).

Results: From 152 cases who diagnosed with AD or VaD, only 75 cases with serum vitamin D level were selected. 45 cases (60%) are diagnosed with AD and 30 cased (40%) are diagnosed with VaD. The finding shows 18 cases (24%) with vitamin D deficiency (25(OH)D <20 ng/ml) and 32 cases with vitamin D insufficiency (25(OH)D = 20-29 ng/ml). In AD group, 12 cases (26.7%) had vitamin D deficiency and 20 cases (44.4%) had vitamin D insufficiency. In VaD group, 6 cases (20%) had vitamin D deficiency and 12 cases (40%) had vitamin D insufficiency. Correlation between means of cognitive scores from MMSE and MoCA and vitamin D level is not statistically significant.

Conclusion:  Vitamin D deficiency can be a comorbidity in dementia. We suggest that medical staffs should consider vitamin D level test for treatment or prophylaxis vitamin D deficiency which can affect dementia patient’s quality of life in the long run.

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How to Cite
Thammathorn, B. ., & Nakawiro, D. (2023). Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in Thai dementia patients in Ramathibodi Hospital. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 68(2), 173–180. retrieved from
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