The usage of coping card application in depressive patients with suicidal ideation in psychiatric outpatient setting of Ramathibodi Hospital: A pilot study

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Pitch Chokboontiyanon
Thanita Tantrarungroj


Objective: To perform the pilot study about utilization of coping card application in patients with major depressive disorder with suicidal ideation. Also, this research aims to study the safety and convenience of the application. 

Methods: This study is a randomized controlled trial in 13 patients with major depressive disorder with suicidal ideation in outpatient department, Ramathibodi hospital. The data from the questionnaire for basic information of the participants, the patient health questionnaire (PHQ-9), the scale for suicidal ideation (SSI-Thai), and the depressive symptom index-suicidality (DSI-SS) were collected. The participants in the intervention group receive the instruction about the usage of coping cards application and deep breath exercise instruction while the participants in the control group receive the deep breath exercise instruction. After that, the PHQ-9, the SSI-Thai, and the DSI-SS, were assessed at 1 month and 4 months later. Median regression analysis was used to analyze the differences between the two study groups using all three time points. 

Results: The mean score of PHQ-9, SSI-Thai2014 and DSI-SS continuously decreased from baseline to 4 months in both groups. The mean difference of the control and intervention group found that all except the PHQ-9 at 0 and 4 months and DSI-SS at 4 months, the mean scores from the control group are higher than in the intervention group without statistical significance. Most application users are satisfied with the application. They only use the application in emergency conditions and the coping statements are the main reason to use the application. There were no participants using the application for emergency calls. The most beneficial parts are the coping card and important picture. The suggestions for the improvement of application are a more comfortable interface, more easy-to-read fonts, and notification system. 

Conclusion: the coping card application decreasing scores of depressed mood and suicidal thought without statistically significant. Most users are satisfied with the application and suggest improving the user interface and notification system.

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How to Cite
Chokboontiyanon, P. ., & Tantrarungroj, T. (2023). The usage of coping card application in depressive patients with suicidal ideation in psychiatric outpatient setting of Ramathibodi Hospital: A pilot study. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 68(1). retrieved from
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