Cognitive training for the elderly with Mild Neurocognitive Disorder: utilizing TEAM-V program in urban and rural areas with a six-month follow-up

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Orawan Kuha
Charunee Vidhyachak
Parlinzhaadaa Phatcharapisitgul
Nutda Kumniyom
Panita Mungklang
Pattarabhorn Wisajun
Daochompu Nakawiro
Sirintorn Chansirikarnjana


Objective : This paper aims at studying the effectiveness of TEAM-V program, the model of group activity for cognitive training developed for people with mild neurocognitive disorder in urban and rural areas. This is performed though comparing the scores of cognitive abilities assessment between pre and post intervention at six-month follow-up among research participants.

Methods : Participants include the 580 elderly people with mild neurocognitive disorder aged 60 years and older from 10 research-areas. They were randomly divided into an intervention group (n=297) and a control group (n=283). The intervention group participated in the activities, which occurred six sessions every two weeks. All of the sample groups completed the Neuropsychological tests namely Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive modified (ADAS-Cog modified) Thai version to compare between pre and post intervention scores at six-month follow-up.

Results : The comparison of scores between before and after intervention at six-month follow-up within the intervention group that participated in the TEAM-V program found the significant difference. In addition, a discrepancy score of before and after intervention was used to compare between groups demonstrated the significant difference of total scores, especially in word recall as well as delayed word recall subtest. The intervention group has shown an obvious decreased in errors. Thus, participation in group activities affects overall of cognitive abilities and memory domain when compared with the control group.

Conclusions: The study results demonstrated the participating in the TEAM-V program tend to improve cognitive abilities, especially memory domain of the elderly with mild neurocognitive disorder, when followed after intervention at six-month follow-up.

Keywords :  TEAM-V program group activity, cognitive training, cognitive functions, neurocognitive disorder

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How to Cite
Kuha, O. ., Vidhyachak, C., Phatcharapisitgul, P. ., Kumniyom, N. ., Mungklang, P. ., Wisajun, P. ., Nakawiro, D. ., & Chansirikarnjana, S. . (2023). Cognitive training for the elderly with Mild Neurocognitive Disorder: utilizing TEAM-V program in urban and rural areas with a six-month follow-up . Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 68(1). retrieved from
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