Stress and Depressive Disorder in Hospital Personnel at Nan Hospital

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Siriwimon Kuntar
Pongsuda Pongseeda
Kanittha Saowaluk


Objective To investigate the prevalence of stress and relationship between level of stress from Suanprung stress test-20 and depression in hospital personnel in Nan hospital

Method A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted by Suanprung stress test-20 and 2Q, 9Q depression assessment. Data was collected on April - May 2021 in 798 participants. Analyzed general data based on percentage obtained and factors associated with stress and depressive disorder analyzed by multivariate logistic regression present by adjust odds ratio, 95% CI at p-value <0.05.

Result  This study demonstrated that hospital personnel at Nan Hospital have moderate level of stress 55.6 percent, high level of stress 29.3 percent. Factors that statistically significant associated with stress are working conditions and work-loads (adjusted OR 1.5, 95%CI 1.0-2.1, p=0.001) and work-life balance (adjusted OR 1.9, 95% CI 1.3-2.7, p=0.001). Factor that statistically significant associated with depressive disorder is job position. Employee are more likely significant to have depressive disorder than government officers (adjusted OR 14.9, 95%CI 2.0-113.6, p=0.009). Administrative leader is more likely significant to associate with depressive disorder in coworker (adjusted OR 2.8, 95%CI 1.0-7.6, p=0.047). High stress level is statistically significantlyassociated with depressive disorder (adjusted OR 57.4, 95%CI 7.7-426.9, p <0.001).

Conclusion Most of hospital personnel at Nan hospital have moderate stress level. High stress level is statistically significant affected with depressive disorder. The screening program of stress will helpful for hospital personnel at Nan hospital.

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How to Cite
Kuntar, S. ., Pongseeda, P., & Saowaluk, K. (2022). Stress and Depressive Disorder in Hospital Personnel at Nan Hospital. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 67(3). retrieved from
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