Association of Impulsivity and Gaming Behavior on Game Addiction among Online Game Players

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Nattinee Jantaratnotai
Thanawin Nukongmai


Objective : To examine the association of impulsivity and gaming behavior with game addiction among online game players

Methods : This is a cross-sectional study of game players on facebook online gaming groups which constitute communities to discuss online games. The researchers promoted about the research in designated types of online games in facebook groups. The participants answered the questionnaires about impulsivity using Barratt impulsiveness scale, gaming behavior, and game addiction using game addiction screening test.

Results : A total of 162 participants completed the questionnaires. The results found a wide age rage between 13-45 years old. The type of game played by most participants was massive multiplayer online role playing game (59.3%). Males were likely addicted to game at 2.7% compared with females at 29.2%. The impulsivity scores and the hours spent playing game per day were significantly associated with game addiction (r = 0.385, p < 0.001; r =0.246, p = 0.002 respectively). Moreover, the pattern of game addiction differed according to age range and gender.

Conclusion : Online game players on facebook gaming groups constituted a variety of population. Monitoring impulsivity and the number of hours spent playing game could play an important part to help controlling game addiction.

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How to Cite
Jantaratnotai, N., & Nukongmai, T. (2021). Association of Impulsivity and Gaming Behavior on Game Addiction among Online Game Players . Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 66(4), 429–438. retrieved from
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